“I think the heavenly Father is most displeased when he sees that his children do not trust in him completely: perhaps they believe in a distant God more than in the merciful God. In many there may also arise the uncertainty that God, although Father, is also a master. Thus it may seem better not to trust in him completely, because he could ask for something that is too demanding or even send a trial. But this is a great deception: it is the ancient deception of the enemy of God and of man, who camouflages reality and conceals good with evil. It is the first temptation: to distance oneself from God, intimidated by the suspicion that his paternity is not truly provident and good.” — Pope Francis
Reflection: Which statement do you find easier to accept: (a) God is distant and overly demanding, or (b) God is merciful and only provides for your good? What tempts you to distance yourself from God? When do you trust the heavenly Father completely?
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