2555 Seventeenth Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94116
Telephone: (415) 664-8481
(415) 661-2957
Office Hours M-F 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Emergency Sick Calls 415-734-7445
9:00 AM & *5:30 PM (*except holidays)
9:00 AM & 5:00 PM (Vigil)
7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM
All Masses are Livestreamed
Thanks to the Knights of St. Cecilia,
the Church is open for prayer and visitation
Monday - Saturday 8:30 AM-6 PM
Saturday afternoons
in the Church
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Monday - Saturday at 8:35 AM
Saturdays from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
If someone is critically ill and in danger of death or has died,
please call our emergency contact phone number anytime, day or night,
at 415-734-7445, and a priest will return your call.
On behalf of those throughout the Archdiocese who benefit from the Annual Appeal, thank you.
This year, the Archdiocese of San Francisco needs to raise a total of $6.3 million for the 2024 Archdiocesan Annual Appeal. St. Cecilia’s obligation for 2024 is $136,891. We have received $74,674 as of November 3, 2024. Please help us do our part by showing your support for St. Cecilia Parish this year. Annual Appeal envelopes are in the pews and vestibule of the church. You may place your donation in the donation boxes located in the church or leave them at the Rectory Office. Don’t forget to put “2024 Annual Appeal” or “2024 AAA” on the memo line if donating by check.
Thank you for helping us achieve our parish responsibility.
Every Friday after the 9:00 AM Mass and ending with Benediction at 5:15 PM.
Divine Mercy and Prayer for the Priests at 3:00 PM.
To request a Mass Intention, please call the Parish Office at 415-664-8481 or email Irma Lavitoria at and provide the following information:
1. Name of the person the Mass Intention is for and whether the person is living or deceased.
2. Your name or the name of the person offering the Mass Intention.
3. Your phone number and whether you would like a Mass card.
4. Suggested $10 offering per Mass Intention. Checks are to be made payable to St. Cecilia Church.
Please send or drop off your donation to:
St. Cecilia Church
Attn: Irma Lavitoria
2555 17th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94116.
Monthly Bible Sharing Groups @ 7:30 PM
English: First Tuesday of the month
Chinese: Last Thursday of the month
Led by Terence Leung
One hour Zoom meetings
We will read a scripture passage, share perspectives and pray together.
For more information or to register, please contact
Terence Leung at
For more information please visit or visit the 'Archdiocese of SF Chapter 11' page under the 'NEWS' tab.
Click the button to download a letter from Archbishop Cordileone regarding The Archdiocese's filing:
This Week: November 3-9, 2024
(Activities begin at 1:30PM *please note exceptions)
Monday 11/3: Pedro
Tuesday 11/5: French, Italian, BINGO
Thursday 11/7: *11:15 a.m. Exercise, Bridge, Knitting, Scrabble
Friday 11/8: *8:30 a.m. St. Martha Prayer Group
Movie: "Where Danger Lives"
starring: Robert Mitchum
Please consider donating a Christmas gift to a needy child or adult belonging to one of the San Francisco Archdiocese Parishes.
When: Saturday November 23, 2024-Tuesday December 10, 2024
Where: The Main Church
Starting November 23, 2024: you may pick up a gift tag from Jessie Tree. We ask that you please pray for that person throughout the Advent season in addition to fulfilling their gift request. Gifts MUST be returned to the church from Friday, December 6-Tuesday, December 10th.
As always, please festively wrap your gifts and securely attach the gift tag to the outside. Thank you!
And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
All Rights Reserved | Saint Cecilia Catholic Church